NFT Marketplace ‘blur’ Launches With Free Airdrop for Traders Who Stuck Around

On Wednesday, ‘Blur,’ a new NFT marketplace built for pro traders, celebrated its launch with a massive airdrop in the form of Care Packages containing $BLUR tokens to everyone who stuck around in the bear market.

Blur is a real-time marketplace and aggregator combined. It lets you sweep and list across marketplaces, snipe reveals, and manage your portfolio faster than anywhere else.

The Care Packages include rarity rankings like uncommon, rare, and legendary. According to the report, they can only be opened for $BLUR tokens when they launch their token and protocol governance in January.

We also know there will be multiple rounds of airdrops for traders. Airdrop 2 will be for all traders who actively list on Blur through November. Airdrop 2 will be much bigger than airdrop 1, so eligible traders will get significantly more Care Packages.

Blur has been in private beta for nearly four months, and their aggregator reportedly already has the second-highest volume in the space and is 10x faster than other aggregators.

Blur is also the first marketplace to implement incentivized royalties. This system will allow traders to earn more $BLUR for setting higher royalties on collections they trade.

The marketplace is backed by some of web3’s biggest names, including Paradigm. To get the first airdrop, all you have to do is list a single NFT on Blur in the next 14 days.

In a blog post announcing the public launch, the founders said, “We started Blur because we wanted a faster platform for trading NFTs ourselves. None existed with the capabilities we needed, so we built it.”

Do you think the community will start using Blur as the default NFT marketplace? Did you get an airdrop? Do you believe in the Incentivized Royalty structure? Let us know in the comments below. 👇🏽

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